Welcome to the Psychologist Wellness Collective.

This group will draw inspiration from the humble bee which is often associated with community, creativity, productivity and spiritual connections. Members of the PWC will strive to build supportive and encouraging relationships and a sense of community both within and outside of the group. PWC members have a desire to experience unity, progressive thinking, tenacity, authenticity, self-reflection and improvement. They have a strong connection to the natural rhythms of nature, the pursuit of healing and the enjoyment of life. The PWC will strive to foster a community rich with love, sharing, efficient communication and play. Members will embody a strong community of innovation focused on nurturing resilience within the group and harmony amongst humanity with their collective knowledge, gifts, and meaningful acts of kindness.


Proposal: To develop a like-minded group of Psychologists seeking to strengthen the profession, support each others development, build a sense of community and innovation, and promote wellness within and without the group.

Membership: Currently by Invitation Only

Activities: To be voted on by membership can include;

  • Wellness activities led by members or hired in

  • Literature review

  • Book study

  • Case consultation

  • Professional ethics discussion and training

  • Identification of community treatment needs

  • Volunteer activities

  • Keynote or identified speakers if financially viable

  • Facebook page for shared resources and connections